Things I need TO do:
- pack my lunch every day. that involves actually having to think about my meal and measuring out my food. i've never really officially measured by serving or whatever, i always just kind of eyeballed it. maybe this will work better.
- go to the gym every day after work. there's really no excuse why i can't do that. i work AT the gym for pete's sake. If i know i can't get there after work then i need to go on my lunch break. 5 days a week, no excuses. i'll let the weekend be my "rest" time .. unless i'm feeling especially motivated haha.
- get better sleep. i don't know why i expect to stay up til 1 am and then feel normal and energetic when i wake up at 5:45. maybe if i get more sleep at night i'll be more ready to go work out.
- do more cooking. fast food has become way too common around here ... which attributes to the fat around my waistline that's become way too common as well. it's not great for saige either, so i need to stop.
- along with cooking comes meal planning. start planning dinner the night before so it's thawed out and ready to go when i get home from work.
- use the sparkpeople app on my new itouch (thanks hinkle!) to keep track of what i eat. also use it for working out when i run (nike+ app).
- don't get discouraged. it's hard to not be bummed out when not seeing immediate progress. i think that was one of my big problems before, i was always bummed that it took so long and that i wasn't seeing a change. the scale said i was changing, but i couldn't SEE it. i need to be patient with myself and know that change will come if i stick to it, and it will be worth it, i just have to give it time.
Things I need to NOT do:
- don't hot out on snacks. at work i get so stressed out that i eat everything in sight. so, until i can find a way to deal with my stress another way (or find a new job) then i need to stop snacking and stick to what i bring with me and only that.
- don't order out all the time. that crap is terrible for me. and it's making me look like a weeble.
- don't eat the same stuff every day. switch it up, so i stand a better chance of not getting bored and not sticking with eating healthy.
- stop dressing like a teenager. and i don't mean in a skanky way ..i mean a lazy college teenager. i've found it easy to hide my fatness behind lots of big baggy hoodies. no wonder i can't find a man! maybe if i start dressing a little nicer then i'll be able to see a change more and i'll get some confidence back. spiraling effect? lets hope so, cause andrea would love to find a man and get married before she's 40! haha
- and last but certainly not least...DON'T MAKE EXCUSES! do what you need to do! (i'm talking to myself here, ha). you know what needs to be done, so just do it and stop the complaining!
wish me luck!!!!
i'm so excited for you!!! change is scary but good! i'm trying to get off my fatness merry go round myself! started back on WW yesterday! :) going to run again! life will be good for us. i want to look great at your wedding to the man your going to find! haha <3 u!