Thursday, January 27, 2011

mr. sandman...bring me a dream...

Lately my sleeping has been WAY out of whack.  I may not have had the best sleep pattern before, but it was always predictable.  Now it's just all over the place.  Before I would fall asleep around midnight.  I would sleep propped up in 2 big pillows and sleep in sweats, a t-shirt, and socks.  Lately I'm alsleep anywhere between 9 pm and 2 am.  Crazy right?  And it's not like i go to bed early on days i'm extra tired.  It could be a day where I haven't really done much of anything, and I can't keep my eyes open past 9.  Also, I can't sleep in my warm comfy clothes anymore.  I'm almost always in shorts and no socks.  now, anyone who knows me knows i HATE being bare footed, so this alone is enough to kind of bother me.  Also I have to sleep on one flat pillow now instead of my giant pile .. i'm finding that when i sleep with two I wake up totally achy in my neck and back.  I've also been told i'm snoring a lot more lately.  Now, that I think I can attribute to my downward spiraling sinus problems, but everything else I'm so confused.  I mean, these obviously aren't huge problems.  i'm still sleeping at night at some point, it's just unusual.  Anyone have any tips/opinions?  I read at night in bed which makes me relaxed and fall asleep pretty easily.  i'm just more concerned as to why my body did this weird temperature/comfortableness flip flop out of nowhere.  Oh the things the body and mind do sometimes...

1 comment:

  1. Acouple months ago my sleeping got way outta wack too! Its so fustrating!! Hopefully this changes soon!!

    I was talking to my mom on the phone last night and she told me about the storm coming next week and I was like your joking right? Because she didnt sound serious at all. And she was like no their predicting another storm.
    I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! grrrr!!
    Have a great weekend Andrea!
