Sunday, January 1, 2012

First day of 2012 - new and improved?

I'm trying to start myself out on the right foot this year. My big goal I really really want to accomplish this year is getting myself back into shape and losing some serious pounds. I also want to become a runner, which I think I mentioned in my blog the other day. Well, today I took the first step towards both of those goals. I registered (with trish!) For a 5k on March 30th. There's no turning back now. I think I needed to register so I had something I have to work towards, to train for. Tomorrow starts training. I'm really nervous I won't be able to get myself into the shape I need to but I've got 89 days ...plenty of time.  I'm excited to start this new chapter in my life and I'm glad to have a friend on the journey with me!

1 comment:

  1. Girl! You Blogged! Hiiiiiii!!!! I'm going a Blogger Biggest Loser link-up thingy you should join in with me!!! Love youuuu xoxo
